Hướng dẫn khởi nghiệp Hướng dẫn khởi nghiệp với thiết bị y tế Jamun vì cuộc sống thứ hai
홈 Hướng dẫn khởi nghiệp Instructions
How to Join Jamun Medical Devices for the 2nd Part of Life
Jamun Medical Devices is a healthy, promising business focused on the silver industry for healthy life up to 100 as the number of seniors will explode in the 21st Century.
The senior population’s value has shifted from sacrifice for the offspring to their own health and pleasure.
The silver industry is
health industry.
The Korean government has announced support for senior-friendly businesses as the new growth industry.
The emergence of new senior generation (grandmas and grandpas in jeans).
Jamun Medical Devices
an unstopping
future business.
The study of sleep science to develop products for better blood circulation based on the traditional Ondol culture of Korea.
Products developed by scientific study of healthy sleep and product lineup for healthy diet and discharge.
Jamun Medical Devices studies and produces various medical devices for healthy sleep, joyous diet, and discharging well.